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Planning and Zoning

Zoning seems like a bureaucrat term made to sound boring and not-important.

The fact of the matter is that Zoning is one of, if not, THE MOST IMPORTANT influence on your daily life and life that a Councilwoman can have.

Zoning, is quite simply what is built and where it is built. No one wants a liquor store next to a school or home, and no one wants a gravel plant as their backyard neighbors. That is what zoning determines.

I have seen and experienced what bad zoning does. You have experienced it too. When a weak councilman who’s campaign is funded by apartment developers gets in, guess what? Zoning for high density apartments begins to be rolled out everywhere. There is a time and place for apartments, but they have to be built sensibly, tastefully and following the will of the neighborhoods.

District 5 is as diverse as its zoning. The needs of the south side of the district are different from the needs of the north side. I frankly propose that each neighborhood should be at the table to determine what they want, and where they want it.

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Mary Kelleher Campaign
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