District 5 residents have expressed their concern and worries about these Issues:
The Eastside of Fort Worth is home to some of our city’s most historic neighborhoods and beautiful green spaces.
Read MorePotholes
Fort Worth’s roads are critical to keeping our community connected, too many residents have had to deal with the impact of recurring potholes.
Read MorePolice
Our city’s safety begins with a strong bond between residents and the men and women who protect us. That’s why my plan puts neighborhood officers in closer contact with local organizations, churches, and schools.
Read MoreProperty Taxes
Property taxes in Fort Worth are too darn high, and too many of our seniors and younger families on fixed incomes are feeling the squeeze.
Read MorePlanning and Zoning
Zoning seems like a bureaucrat term made to sound boring and not-important.
The fact of the matter is that Zoning is one of, if not, THE MOST IMPORTANT influence on your daily life and life that a Councilwoman can have.
Zoning, is quite simply what is built and where it is built. No one wants a liquor store next to a school or home, and no one wants a gravel plant as their backyard neighbors. That is what zoning determines.
Read MoreJobs and Economic Development
We need to make sure that the Stop Six Project is successful and adequately finished, it is the opportunity of a lifetime to bring jobs and development to the area.
The Berry Street Corridor needs a champion to fight for funding to make sure it is implemented, it will bring much needed business and construction opportunities to benefit what neighbors have expressed to the city THEY want.
Now, for ALL the District, I will be the #1 Cheerleader, fighter and promoter. We NEED investment from the City, State and Federal Governments in infrastructure so we’re attractive to Private Investment and Businesses that want to relocate and expand in Fort Worth. I will work closely with our Mayor and Elected Officials to make this happen.