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Property Taxes

Property taxes in Fort Worth are too darn high, and too many of our seniors and younger families on fixed incomes are feeling the squeeze. As a city, we need to balance our growth and economic vitality with fair taxation that keeps our neighborhoods stable and affordable. When longtime residents, especially retirees, are forced to leave their homes because of rising property taxes, we lose a valuable part of our community’s identity.

To make our property tax structure fairer and more transparent, we must focus on common-sense reforms that benefit everyone. This starts with boosting existing homestead and senior exemptions to reduce the taxable value of a primary residence. We should also shine a light on how our tax dollars are spent by conducting regular efficiency audits, prioritizing essential services, and eliminating wasteful or redundant programs. At the same time, supporting commercial development and encouraging new businesses to invest in Fort Worth can expand our tax base, taking the pressure off homeowners.

Above all, we must work hand in hand with local and state authorities, and each other, to adopt policies that lower property tax burdens without compromising critical city services. These steps include capping excessive annual valuation increases, pushing for school funding reforms that reduce reliance on local property taxes, and ensuring that seniors and disabled residents know about the exemptions and programs available to them. Through transparency, thoughtful budget planning, and strong advocacy, we can protect residents from being priced out of their homes and keep Fort Worth welcoming and affordable for generations to come.

Political Adv. Paid for by:
Mary Kelleher Campaign
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